PA DELTA Chapter : Founded 1883


Pennsylvania Delta

41 West Lincoln Ave.

Gettysburg, PA 17325

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday


It is with great sadness that have learned from Rod Albright that Brian Tierney passed away by natural causes recently. Brian was a pledge class mate of mine in 1963 with Brooks, Damore, Heritage, B. Button, J. Button, Blomquist and Wuerstle. Brian was the SAE Houseman for a period and while I don’t recall exactly for how long I do remember that that House was kept in good order under his tenure.

Brian was a three year starter at offensive guard participating in both the 1964 and 1966 football Bullet seasons widely considered the best football teams in Gettysburg College history.Brian was one of the team captains on the ’66 Lambert Cup team.

Brian had recently retired from a banking career in the DC area and he and Pam recently moved to West Virginia. When Tom Wuerstle and I saw him over last reunion weekend its was obvious to me that he was very happy in his country lifestyle and its sad that he didn’t get to enjoy more of that country life.

Brian’s passing reminds me to say it’s time to make time to see old friends, Brothers, teammates and family before it’s too late.

All the best,